金工の埋蔵物 「湯床吹き」と「鍛金」をめぐって01
The buried something in Japanese metal craft
Kazuo Sekii
Yudokobuki is a technique for casting metal that makes use of a traditional Yudoko. This technique was passed on orally among craftsman for a long time and it was the main copper production technique in Japan until the end of the Edo period. When the idea of kougei(craft) was created during the Meiji Period,this technique for copper production was conserved only by art universities. Yudokobuki became part of the program at the Craft Department of the Tokyo School of Art and then was passed on to the Craft Department of the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. Despite its long history, the technique has never been analyzed as a scientific process, and is today regarded as an ancient and mysterious technique.
When one looks at the craft system from the point of view of an art discipline, one finds it is as rational as that of the current production system based on scientific principles brought from the West. Also, an examination of the copper ingots produced by the Yudokobuki technique raises the problem of the use of the term 'tankin' (beating metal) to describe a copper production method. The discrepancy between the rationality of crafts hidden in the way of teaching the techniques and the names given to them may reflect attempts using the Western system of classification since the Meiji period. In the contemporary category of crafts we can use observations of modeling as a catalyst to give a new interpretation of metal molding from the perspective of a history of technology and its meanings.
いつの時代にも、新たな技術の発明や発見はある。それは、スポーツの記録更新を追い求めるように、新たな世界を眼前に表したい欲求のようでもある。 そして人は、未だ見ぬ新たな世界を貪欲に求める。工芸という、技法・技術に力点を置く分野からは、造形思想という面以外に、技法・技術といった面からも、新たな世界観を具現化する起爆剤が起こりうるのである。 それは、我国において西洋型分類主義の導入によって工芸という分野が誕生したように、新たな視点からの展開によって、生み出される可能性を内包しているのである。 金属工芸の中の、「鍛金」における技法名の矛盾点、更に技術・素材と造形の関係、また古の技術である「湯床吹き」の考察を通して、論考を進める。
出典:多摩美術大学研究紀要第20号 2005年掲載